Nice effort with the video but you included some of his worst elasticos.
He did some breathtaking ones at United that’s up there with the ones
Ronaldinho did. I remember the 2006 Carling cup final where he audaciously
pulled off two in the same match.
Would be nice if you could find those and put it up 🙂
Good video as always but the title says 2005-15. Why did you start from
2005? And you didn’t include any from his time at United. So it’s more like
2009-15 which is also a shame since you didn’t include most of the
elasticos he has executed throughout his career. I’m not criticizing you. I
know you work hard and probably have studies to go with it so I fully
understand that.
25 thoughts on “Cristiano Ronaldo ● Magic Elastico Show ● 2005-2015 ||HD||”
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